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Ffxiv Praetorium Here We Go Again


The Praetorium

The Praetorium.png


With the magitek field at present out of commission, the path to the Ultima Weapon lies open. While the Immortal Flames sweep Castrum Meridianum and suppress the remnants of the enemy garrison, you and your comrades must fight your way to the innermost sector of the Praetorium, there to locate and destroy the Ultima Weapon. Cid's airship, the Enterprise, will bear you to the stage of the final confrontation.

— In-game description

The Praetorium is a level l dungeon introduced in patch 2.0.

General Information

  • As of patch 4.2, to ensure new players are able to savour the cutscenes in Castrum Meridianum and The Praetorium, all cutscenes in these dungeons can no longer be skipped. Because this will increase the fourth dimension required to complete these dungeons, completion rewards and Duty Roulette bonuses for these duties accept been increased.

Considering the dungeon is tuned for the minimum item level of 42, only only synced to level fifty (effective item level 130), information technology is speed-run every bit fast equally possible. Most mechanics are skipped, and all the enemies that can be are pulled at once.


  1. Majestic Identification Key: 0
  2. Secure the control sleeping accommodation: 0/1
  3. Make for the Laboratorium Primum: 0/one
  4. Power and board magitek armor: 0/one
  5. Defeat Nero tol Scaeva: 0/1
  6. Defeat Gaius van Baelsar: 0/1
  7. Defeat the Ultima Weapon: 0/i
  8. Defeat Lahabrea: 0/1


Name Drops
1st Cohort Eques
1st Accomplice Hoplomachus
1st Accomplice Laquearius
1st Cohort Medicus
1st Accomplice Primi Ordines
1st Cohort Sagittarius
1st Accomplice Secutor
1st Cohort Signifer
Gaius van Baelsar
Proper noun Drops
Magitek Colossus
Magitek Death Claw
Magitek Dreadnaught
Magitek Reaper
Magitek Vanguard
Magitek Vanguard H-one
Mark II Magitek Colossus
Nero tol Scaeva
Proto-Ultima Arm Unit of measurement
Ultima Weapon


The Praetorium Guide

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Marking II Magitek Colossus

All non-tank players should be behind the boss. Players should avoid the Magitek Ray ability. This fight is a elementary tank and spank.


Grand Sword is an instant frontal attack that deals a moderate amount of damage.
Exhaust is an instant frontal assail that deals a small amount of damage and knocks its target back.
Magitek Ray is a circular AoE assault that targets a random histrion. All players caught in the AoE will take moderate corporeality of damage and become inflicted with the debuff Burn.
Overheat is a buff that increases Mark Two Magitek Colossus' impairment.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Nero tol Scaeva

The boss room is surrounded by an electrical field. While in the electric field, players will accept impairment over time. All non-tank players should not exist in front of Nero tol Scaeva. Ranged damage dealers and healers should stay out of the melee range. Occasionally, Magitek Death Claw add will spawn. A majestic line connects the claw to a random actor. The targeted player should motion away from the Expiry Claw while rest of the players should kill the claw as soon as possible. If the hook reaches the targeted actor, the histrion will be knocked into the electrical field.


Spine Shatter is an instant melee attack that deals a small corporeality of harm.
Sideswing is an instant frontal set on that deals damage to all players in front of the Nero tol Scaeva.
Bike of Suffering is an instant attack that deals damage to all players about the boss.
Iron Uprising is an instant frontal attack that deals a moderate corporeality of damage to all players in front of Nero tol Scaeva and knocks them back.
Augmented Shatter is an instant attack that deals a moderate amount of damage to one random player. When performing this attack, Nero tol Scaeva leaps into air and strikes the basis with its hammer.
Augmented Uprising is a frontal AoE set on that deals a moderate amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Heavy to all players striking. Additionally, this ability knocks all players backward.
Augmented Suffering is an circular AoE attack that deals moderate amount of damage, inflicts the debuff Heavy and knocks dorsum all players around the boss.


Magitek Decease Claw targets one actor with a purple line. If the claw reaches the targeted histrion, that player will be knocked into the electrical field.
  • Targeted actor should run away from the claw while rest of the players should kill it.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Gaius van Baelsar

Players should spread out to avoid Gaius' Hand of the Empire. Non-tank players should non be in front of the boss. At 3/4, 1/2 and 1/four HP, flaming blue circles will appear on the footing. Players should move and stay out of the circles because they do damage to anyone in them. Players should as well avoid his Blue X ability called Terminus Est. When the flaming blueish X appears, motion out of its manner.


Innocence is an instant frontal cleave attack that deals a moderate corporeality of harm to all players hit.
Judgement is an instant attack that knocks back a random player.
Heirsbane is an instant assault that deals a moderate amount of harm to a random thespian.
Manus of the Empire is an instant attack that unleashes a bluish ball of flame at a random player. That thespian and all players around will have small amount of harm.
Terminus Est is a blueish, flaming Ten that appears. Afterward a few seconds, a blast comes from the 10 dealing heavy amount of damage to all players in its path.
Judgment stuns a random histrion and spawns a circular AoE ground indicator around him or her. After a few seconds all players within the ground indicator will accept moderate amount of damage.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Ultima Weapon

During the starting time of the Ultima Weapon fight, y'all cannot harm the dominate as it has a buff that reduces all damage to unmarried digits. Healers should therefore be careful as tanks will be unable to concord aggro compared to that generated by any healing. After a curt while, or a sure amount of damage (it is unclear), the dominate will lose the buffs and tin can be dealt with equally normal. A tank should Provoke equally presently as this happens to found a business firm aggro lead.

In that location will exist a cutscene before a second stage of the fight, but its abilities are largely the aforementioned. There is a DPS check simply it is trivial with ilevel 130.


Garuda is an narrow donut around the loonshit edge for moderate damage.
Titan is an ring of circular AoEs around the arena edge, followed by four circumvolve AoEs covering the center of the arena.
Ifrit is an betoken-blank AoE centered in the arena.
Ultima Weapon likewise has a line AoE, a betoken-blank AoE, and a raidwide.

Stage 2 besides has:

Magitek Bits spawn in pairs and target random players with cross-arena line AoEs for moderate damage.
Periodically a gunship will crash on a proximity marker for high damage. Move away to mitigate this.
Occasionally a big glowing ball shoots slowly from Ultima Weapon towards a marked player before exploding in a point-bare AoE.
Ultima at low health, the dominate disappears briefly before returning to get-go wearisome-casting the enrage attack. This is the DPS check, only it is extremely lenient.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Lahabrea

Lahabrea is a straight forrard fight. Players should avoid the dark pools spawned by Body of water of Pitch if possible. He will also cast Shadow Flare, which players can interrupt.


Nighttime Orb is an instant spell that deals a small amount of damage to a random histrion.
Grip of Night is an instant ability that deals a minor amount of impairment to all players near Lahabrea.
Sea of Pitch is an power that spawns 4 dark circles in the boss room. Moving over the circles volition cause an explosion that deals a moderate amount of damage to all players caught.
Shadow Flare is an power that deals a moderate amount of damage to all players.


  • Triple Triad Card r5.png Gaius van Baelsar Menu
